Iran Expertise In Malware Anti-Debugging Guide

Iranian security expert C3phalex1n -Milad Kahsari Alahari- have published final part of article on malware analysis: Anti-Debugging Technique Part 2 on website:
Objectives of the article is:
1. Learning general mechanisms to control a pause instruction traps in x86 architecture
2. Learning the Byte Scission debugging technique
3. Learning how to use a debugger binary to control an app
This course can be used as a teaching module in following labs:
- 1. Computer design
- 2. Operating systems
- 3. Fundamentals of programming languages
Anti-debugging techniques are used to make the Reverse Engineering techniques much harder but article asks how a malware can detect the presence of a debugger. There are different methods to do that covered in the article.
See more detail at: