Whatsapp – updates and data sharing

Whatsapp reports that important updates are to come soon. Recently the company have made updates for android that allow a user to make group calls and another to make it more easy for a user to identify the person they send a photograph to – that can stop some embarrassing mistakes!
Whatsapp is testing a other feature that will allow the status of a whatsapp user to be shared across other Facebook services. The user would have to chose to share a statues update – it would not be done by automatically. This is a part of the integrate of all the Facebook platforms, that includes Instagram.
There are also news that the facebook cryptocurrency that is called libra will allow the users to buy digital coins through facebook services including whatsapp to pay for goods and service. This will improve the user experience but will make further concerns about the dominance of the social media company over all parts of online life. The data of users is shared across many different websites and usually this is done without the user understanding that this is taking place.