Test Team/Demon Hacker Deface Iran Hacking Teams And Google
Iranian hacker Test Team have make deface of many upload web sites by add in images
Most deface appear to be make by Demon Hacker And is mirrored on Zone-deface.com -was blackcyberroot.com-
Shows defacement of various upload site includes several Iran hacking team web sites Google and immoral site:
Ashiyane: http://up.ashiyane.org/images/e9ex33b4dmdyoflw99ds.jpg
IEDB: http://up.iedb.ir/uploads/A.jpg
Black-HG.org: http://up.black-hg.org/uploads/A-1468620534-470.jpg
Termint: http://termint.org/up/uploads/A.jpg
Google: http://uploadgoogle.ir/uploads/1468678606211.jpg
Deface say: Y!D : [email protected]
Demon Hacker -Test- is also deface immoral pornography site here:
Deface is show:
Owned By MR.IMAN
Hello Men . We Are Iranian White Hat Hackers
We Are StreeT BaX
Please Patch System Security
Persian Golf Flag Of For Ever
MR.IMAN , 1TED , Reza Attacker , ..: Mr. x :..
See all other deface by Test Team here:
Test team
Is appear to include:
Demon Hacker
MR. IMAN (Guardiran Team)
StreeT BaX
And more…