Top Iranian Web Bug Hunters

Iranian hackers and security researchers have find many web vulnerabilities of XSS and SQL Injection
XSS -Cross Site Scripting- is type of computer security vulnerability found in web applications enable attackers to inject client-sides script into web pages viewed by other users
SQLi -SQL injection- is code injection technique used to attack data application have malicious SQL statements is inserted into entry fields for executions to dump database content to attackers
Top 25 bug finders is shown here from XSSED :
- Amir
- Bl4ck M4n
- Ali Master
- Ashiyane Digital Security Team
- IeDb.Ir
- Madhu Akula
- Scapy
- IrIsT.Ir
- Mr.Time
- exe
- IsI
- cx
- StOp
- Persian Hack Team
- o0ps
- mehrdadkiller
- aliahmadi
- Shelesh Rauthan
- EbRaHiM-VaKeR
- linux
- OX
- sheytan azzam
- AlI_c.G2
- Black-Sec
- Joker Dark Knight